“因为跳蚤和蜱虫非常擅长他们所做的事情,你将需要额外的警惕,”凯瓦米博士说。“如果你注意到只是一个或两个虫子在你的狗,把它严重之前,成为一个全面的侵扰。”Pay particular attention to the neck fur, the abdomen, and the arm "pits" of the dog, where ticks (and fleas) like to hide. Dr. Kvamme recommends discussing with your veterinarian which flea and tick preventive medication is best for your dog, as well as what dose to use and how to properly apply the medication. "It’s much easier to start early, keeping ticks from getting a foothold, than it is to try to eradicate them after they have had a chance to breed and establish themselves in your home and on your dog."